You, the petitioner
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Catalan political prisoners free

95,965 signatures

In English | In Dutch

In Spain, Catalan leaders have been held in pre-trial detention since 2017, despite Amnesty's insistence on their immediate release. Our government is concerned about Poland and Hungary, but sees the situation in Catalonia as an internal Spanish issue. The members of the European Affairs Committee and the members of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Lower House should be concerned about this.



Catalans in the Netherlands and Dutch (in Catalonia) and European citizens, concerned about the situation in Spain


establish that:

  • That Catalan leaders have been in pre-trial detention since 2017 for baseless charges of rebellion;

  • That Amnesty, OMCT and Front Line Defenders are calling for their immediate release;

  • That Spain is in breach of Article 2 of the Treaty of Lisbon (respect for human rights);

  • That the Dutch government does not take an active position regarding the human rights violations in Spain, but does on the human rights in Poland and Hungary.


and request

To do everything possible to ensure the release of the Catalan political prisoners.

Sign this petition

We e-mail you a link to confirm your signature. Your data will not be shared with third parties and remains with the Stichting Your name and place of residence will only appear if you choose this. Read more about this in our privacy statement.


Addressed to:
Tweede Kamer 
Petition desk:
Closing date:
Lead petitioner:
Laura Prat Bertrams  




Zwijgende politici legitimeren mensenrechtenschendingen in Spanje

In een gesprek van 44 minuten met Rico Brouwer voor café Weltschmerz legt Laura precies uit wat er nu aan de hand is in Spanje en in de EU en plaats dit in perspectief. Het gesprek is in het Engels en Catalaans ondertiteld (Spaanse, Zweedse, Franse en Italiaanse ondertitels zijn onderweg).


We zijn op gepubliceerd met ons artikel dat zo begint: ' We staan in Europa aan de vooravond van hét politieke proces van deze eeuw. Begin februari start het proces tegen gekozen Catalaanse politici die gevangen zitten op verdenking van rebellie en opruiing.'

Leuk als je de uitzending en het artikel in je netwerk deelt en mensen oproept ook de petitie te tekenen.

In a 44 minute interview with Rico Brouwer in café Weltschmerz Laura explains what precisely is going on in Spain and the EU, and places matters in perspective. The conversation is subtitled in Engels en Catalan (Spanish,Swedish, French and Italian are underway).

We've also been published on

thanks for sharing the broadcast and articles in your network and your call for people to sign the petition.


twitter actie 31 januari 2019 om 20.00 uur

komende donderdag gaan we los op Twitter. Doe je mee? Je vindt tekst en uitleg over wat we gaan doen op onze website .


Podcast over de Catalaanse kwestie

Laura Prat Bertrams van in gesprek met Rico Brouwer en Saskia Söller over de situatie in Spanje. Meer weten over de Catalaanse kwestie, de politiek in Spanje en de recente hongerstaking van de politieke gevangenen? Kijk hier de podcast! .
